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This policy establishes how Gameport will use information we gather about you from your visit to our web site. The privacy of our customers is of utmost importance to Gameport.

No attempts are made to identify individual users. However, if you come to our site to read or download information, we may collect and store information for statistical purposes. For example, we may count the number of visitors to the different sections of our site to help us make them more useful to visitors.

If you contact us via e-mail or a contact program, you may be sending us personal information (e.g., name, address, e-mail address). We may store the name and address of the requester in order to respond to the request or to otherwise resolve the subject matter of your e-mail. Also, any positive statements about the site may be used in promotional devices including, but not limited to, web pages and fliers. These statements will include the sender's name as it appears on the e-mail and the city of residence if it appears in the e-mail.

Your e-mail address will not be posted on the web site or used in any promotional materials.


Keeping your personal information safe is important, especially your credit card. When you send your account information to Gameport, it is sent across a Secure Socket Layer with RSA-based encryption using a VeriSign certificate (see below for definitions). This means that your information will only be read by Gameport.

Quick Security Definitions:
VeriSign certificate: VeriSign issues Gameport a unique Digital ID, assuring you of Gameport's authenticity and allowing communications to be encrypted for privacy. VeriSign, the word's leading Certification Authority (CA) only issues Digital IDs to legitimate companies.
SSL: Secure Sockets Layer protocol, currently the Internet standard, provides a secure channel between your web browser and Gameport's web server. All data is encrypted before it is sent, so no one can intercept your credit card number or personal information.
RSA: RSA is a public-key cryptosystem that offers both encryption and digital signatures (authentication).

Your personal information is also secure when you order by check. Your personal information (name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address) is sent to our home office in the same manner that a credit card number is transmitted and with the same encryption and security protocols. However, your check or money order is sent to us through the mail and is open to the same security risks as any other check or money order that you send through the mail. Gameport is not responsible for any loss incurred by you when you send a check or money order through the mail.


Gameport offers opt-in/opt-out newsletters which participants are required to fill out a registration form. These newsletters are to keep registrants informed of news, products and information regarding Gameport.

Other information which may be collected at Gameport through questionnaires, feedback forms, or other means, enable us to determine a visitor's interests, with the goal of providing better service to our customers.

Only Web Marketing employees have access to personal information gathered on any of the Multi Service Corporation's commercial web sites. We further restrict employee access to information on a need-to-know basis. Username and Password combinations to secured information is changed upon the termination of anyone's employment within the Web Marketing division of the corporation. All our employees are expected to keep customer information confidential and secure. We hold our employees fully accountable for adhering to privacy standards, policies and laws.

Regardless of the information being transmitted to Gameport, we will protect all such information consistent with applicable law. In the ordinary course of business, we do not sell, trade, exchange or otherwise make available any personal information of our subscribers or guests to any other company or organization, provided however, that you recognize that your information is one of our assets and, as such, we may sell or transfer your information as part of a sale or other transfer of all or substantially all of our assets.


Our web site is not intended for children 12 years and younger, nor is it directed in any way toward a child's interest or involvement. We do not write text, create graphics nor develop programs or games that are in any way directed toward children. All of our content is directed toward adults 18 and older.

Any and all graphical representations of animated characters and games are intended for older audiences as a tool to identfy icons and characters from popular games in the current and past game markets. Any graphical elements created by our staff for the site and all graphical representations of commercial animated characters shown on our site are not meant in any way to be an obscure nor an overt enticement to children.

We hope that parents diligently monitor their children's use of the Internet. However, we realize that some children may gain access to the Internet beyond their parent's control, which is why our web site makes all possible provisions to ensure that our content does not harm children should they enter our site and view our pages. Also, we clearly state in the areas where information is requested from our customers in order to fulfill a purchase or subscribe to a service that children 12 years and younger are not allowed to make those purchases.

As all benefits of our site are directed toward an adult consumer and all expectations of this site are to have adult customers, this web site does not make any efforts to collect information from those under 18 years of age. We only collect information from those 18 years of age and older.


Gameport reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and notices under which the Gameport Sites/Services are offered, including but not limited to the charges associated with the use of the Gameport Sites/Services. You are responsible for regularly reviewing these terms and conditions and additional terms posted on particular web sites. Your continued use of the Gameport Sites/Services constitutes your agreement to all such terms, conditions, and notices.

Friday, March 28, 2025

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